28 September 2010

click here to read *FOR FREE*

why do they they put so much emphasis on *free*
they have abused the word so much, it's so beyond irritating.
how about getting bored of seeing the usual crap like:
Download - For free -
Click to enter - For FREE -
Register <>!! @_@ FOR FREE
Call - for free -
Click to subscribe - FOR FREE -
Click to watch - FOR FREE -
Access your mailbox - FOR FREE -
create a blog *FOR FREE!!!*****!*
download searchbar [puke] - FOR FREE -
click here to see nakid underage japanese girl - for free - [ subscription required (for free)]
get your own avatar - FOR FREE -
customize your signature - FOR FREE -
upload photos ... for free..
receive a FREE poster to your mailbox - 4 FR333!!!!
but instead of getting bored you get pissed. what is it with society that they must mark every obvious non-important single little insignificant thing as *free* beats me. it could be just me, but i think it has something to do with the way they shaped society as a huge mass of consumers. or should i say the way society shaped its self. thus the obvious obsession with labeling every single fucking thing as free whenever and however they can just to increase consumption. fat fucking pigs for the slaughter. consume and consume and consume some more. guess what ? you get a bonus - FOR FREE


Click follow to follow - for free - Hey, it's free. whaddya know?

29 July 2010

pokeritze si rockalari

pokeritze si rockalari sau the PokenRock syndrome.

Stiu ca sunt nenumarate opere de arta pe tema asta, dar cu sfiala imi permit a aduce cateva completari(sper) nenumaratelor descrieri si satire la adresa pokemonilor sau cum au mai fost denumiti toti acesti wannabes.

Pentru cei care inca nu sunt in tema sa incep cu a defini conceptele:
sa incepem cu pokertizele ;)) vorba aia, "ladies" first:

Pokeritza [plural pokeritze]
Este categoria care le cuprinde pe donsoarele care (chiar de la aparitia parului pubian sau mai devreme) au avut destul respect de sine incat sa se decida ca a fi doar pitzi nu este spiritual implinitor, drept urmare au decis ca the next best thing must be rock. Rock is cool, rock is wicked, brutal and trendy. In viziunea donsoarelor este tot ce au nevoie pentru a se pozitiona confortabil pe scara sociala.

Rockalar [plural rockalari]
Este categoria care cuprinde mititeii tristi si neintelesi care au decis sa-si despleteasca aripile roz-bombon in speranta unui curent ascendent cu destinatia rockosfera. That's the big thing. That's the serious thing. That's the kind of thing that makes them "men". Seriozitate, maturitate, inteligentza (nu oricine asculta rock domle).

Toate bune si frumoase, pasaricile si-au luat zborul si acu dau din cap pa ritmuri rock. Pasaroii si-au incruntat sprancenele si acuma sunt pradatori fiorosi. True warriors, fierce beasts of the skies! *yay*.

Ne plimbam prin cluburi dha 'roackeri', ascultam 'metale', dam din cap si suntem cool, ne tragem o sarma in 5 coltzuri si moare sucubelele dupe noi.

Automat intr-o nefericita conversatie cu un 'proaspat "adept"' al curentului esti confruntat cu intrebari sau raspunsuri fundamentale(filozofice domle) de gen:
la rockalar:
"iti place tricoul meu? eee l-am luat de la concert" (ma da ce fidel esti cauzei)
"fa si mie cunostinta cu ceva fete" (...ce-ai zis ma?, sa ma fac eu de kkt pentru tine? fuck off)
"e misto in clubu asta, e imbracata mortal lumea" (te-am intebat ceva?)
la pokeritza:
"esti rocker?" (nu fa, ti se pare)
"cine canta piesa asta?"  (taci in **** sh'asculta)
"vaaai ce pleata faina ai!!!" (te-ai umezit bine?)
"ce trupe preferate ai?" (cati ani ai tu ma?)
o piesa anume in boxe: "am toate albumele lor" (bravo, stii sa numeri)
"nu te supara pot sa stau si eu la masa cu voi, pareti de treaba" (mdah macar atat)

Despre zmei e funny ca vin impachetati cu grija, parul lins, ciocu sus si privirea in "flacari". E clar, ti se vor prabusi atat de multe pokeritze la picioare incat se vor deteriora bocancii lu taticu frecati ore in sir cu atat grija. Dar ca un dur trebuie sa suferi, arata-le ca esti barbat feroce! *hrr*

Nu prea stau sa fac critica adresata masculilor feroce din generatia proaspat rasarita, ii trimit la origini si-mi vad de ale mele, in schimb nu ma pot abtine cand vine vorba de sexul frumos si destept :)))). Cel mai bine se observa rafinamentul si delicatetea cand incep sa donsoarele a dansa pe tot felul de alternative de 2 lei jumate.
Muama da ce tare esti tu, si cate kilograme de vopsea neagra ti-ai turnat in par, cat ruj negru ti-ai pictat pe bot si ce grija ai avut cand ti-ai varuit obrajii, sprancenele si genele dar mai cu seama cum ai avut devotamentul si rabdarea de otel la capitolul gheare, cu cata grija le-ai lipit si le-ai imbrobodit intr-un negru lucios. Si cat de mult ai colindat prin targ dupa tinichele intzepatoare. Cum ai plans nopti in sir si ai visat minunata clipa in care vei straluci in dantela corsetului(imprumutat). Ce sa mai zic, esti o printesa goth in inima noptii.

Pana cand imi dansezi lambada pe fundal limbi in parc ( n-am nimic cu fanii LinkinPark si nici cu trupa in sine, doar ca am vazut prea multi sparti si sparte -cu mici exceptii- care au evoluat spiritual spre universul rock prin trupa asta ). Aici ai stricat-o asa de bine, ca mai bine stateai acasutza si iti faceai poze la bombeu cu aparatu lu mami in oglinjoara.

Si ma intreaba lumea da ce ai bre cu ei ? ... Nimic :) (slava Domnului)
Bine si atunci de ce ii iei la misto ? (mai mult decat se iau singuri nu sunt capabil, fac doar haz de necaz partea proasta e ca ei nu se prind)
Ok fie si totusi care e problema? Ignora-i! ("este" muultii bree, prea muuulti)
Ai prea multe principii! (ti-am zis eu -join the club- si nu stiu?)

Am aberat destul :))
stay metal, puisor de zmeu \m/

11 February 2010


Yeah, taken from my deviantart account.. what can i do ? :P i can't find inspiration on command
here it gouz:

I am a scorpio. And word goes my kind's annoyingly logical.
Therefore it's only logical that I try to logically explain myself.
A bit.

Logic is the balance in everything. Understanding or better said
comprehending the nature of the universe and hmmm it's opposite. That I will
call nothingverse or better yet nonverse.

So we have balance.
Balance is the way I try to explain the coexistence of the verses in what i define as infinity. This universe is governed by laws and therefore is ordered and perfectly balanced.
<Everything> is perfect balance. Therefore the <Nothing> must be perfect chaos.
They define one another as they pass through each other in the never-ending

The ancient yin yang symbol or the horizontal 8 represent this. The Y/Y is
spinning. The light side with darkness in it's core just like a galaxy from
our universe with it's super giant black hole at the middle, the dark side
with light, a twin-galaxy of the nonverse. spinning together, defining each-
other. Funny how scientists labeled the most encountered "matter" in our
universe as dark matter. (dark matter is hypothetical matter that is
undetectable by its emitted radiation, but whose presence can be inferred
from gravitational effects on visible matter [wikipedia quote])
;) always defining each other.

Similar is the horizontal 8. Everything-ness alwas passes through the middle. yet the center is null. There goes my personal quote "infinity is null"
It is balanced.
Same goes with day-to-day life. If one is at a tremendous loss, someone else is overwhelmed with joy. Then at a later sequence in time the roles may shift. Popularly called wheel of fate, karma, etc. There is no life without pain, as there is no life without joy. They are all just shifting paths toward balance in it's sequences(or time).

Therefore, if you do not understand this, there's definitely someone who does. And if you're looking for the answers, they are also looking for you.
If you try to do something awfully evil, rest assured there's someone going to stop you with just as much willpower as yourself. If you try to do something lovely there will be someone who just couldn't help it and try to ruin it. In time though, balance can be achieved. Makes me wonder if it's all just neutral. Time will most definitely tell >:), but my -scorpio intuition- tells me there's more to it than this.

If you mock this, you are doing a perfect job of maintaining balance. What I believe is logical, you may see as chaotic. It is your obligation to intervene. What you are doing in effect is actually obeying the laws of logic without realizing it.

This may not be traditional logic, it may relate to the field of philosophy, but I believe that logic is infinitely complex and therefore all of it except a very very small part hasn't been yet analyzed by human beings. And what is more beautiful in all of Logic's splendor, than to let it's infinity be touched by the mind of one puny creature like myself ?

However, given the fractal nature of infinity, I can logically conclude that puny and massive are all relative. And what is really un-relative and undefinable is thought.

So if you have no f'ing idea what you've just read, rest assured.
Your mind suddenly became unbalanced.
Your mind is already trying to address this issue.
Neurons are already connecting in ways as they never have before.
You are changing in order to regain balance through understanding.
It's logical, isn't it ?
:) please comment. if i've shaped the mind of one, i've changed the universe